Strawberry Pate de Fruit
Each bite of this strawberry pâte de fruit offers a burst of fruity goodness, releasing the rich and vibrant flavors of strawberries. It is a delightful treat that combines the freshness of real fruit with the indulgence of a sweet confection.
Pate de Fruit is a gummie candy I like to make a lot. They are made with pectin and not gelatin, so they’re vegetarian! Hooray! I’ll be making a video about making these in a future date - until then, try them out! Here’s the recipe!
500g Strawberry Puree
50g Sugar
13g Pectin (I use Apple pectin)
500g Sugar
100g Corn Syrup
8g Citric Acid
8g Water
In a heavy bottom saucepan put in the puree and heat to 104
Combine the 50g of sugar and the pectin and whisk into the puree. Stir continuously while bringing to a boil.
Add in the 500g and corn syrup in three additions, keep stirring and cook to 223
Dissolve the citric acid in the water.
Remove the strawberry mix from the heat and stir in the citric acid slurry.
Immediately pour mix into Silpat-lined (or parchment lined) frame. Let it set at room temperature.
After it’s set cut into squares and toss in sugar