Tempering Chocolate

Tempering chocolate can be a skill that requires practice and patience. It may take a few attempts to achieve the desired results, but with time and experience, you will become more proficient at tempering chocolate and creating beautiful, professional-looking chocolate treats.

Tempering chocolate can be temperamental…. Get it? No, really. One thing I have learned is you gotta respect the chocolate. If you don’t, you could get covered in it. As soon as you’re cocky about knowing what to do – it’ll take three times and bloom every time.


Respect the chocolate.


That being said – be patient about learning because it can take time. But as soon as you have it down, it gets easier and you’ll be able to figure out your mistakes as you’re making them.


The reason behind tempering chocolate is so the chocolate you are working with is glossy, has a snap, contracts, and doesn’t form a bloom during storage.


To temper is to break down, or melt, the fat crystals in the cocoa butter so they become unstable. Then encourage the chocolate to reform into a specific crystal (referred to as Form V crystals) by manipulating it through time, temperature and agitation.   


Yes, that is true, it’s something to know. But rarely when my chocolate blooms do I say, “Damnit, I formed the wrong crystals!” So, don’t worry about it.


Here are the steps for tempering dark chocolate:

Take 9 oz of chocolate

Set aside 3 oz. from that 9oz

Put a thermometer in your chocolate

Melt chocolate over a double boiler (Let the water boil then turn off the heat)

Melt it to 115

Stir the crap outta the chocolate from now on… ‘kay?

Put that 1/3 set aside chocolate in the melted chocolate A LITTLE AT A TIME.

Like, put in 10 chips and stir until it’s completely melted before adding 10 more.

When your thermometer reaches 93 take a bit of your chocolate and spread it on a

Piece of parchment. Set a timer for 4 minutes.  this is your tester

While you’re waiting don’t let your chocolate go under 90. Pop it on and off the steaming water if you have to Just stop seeding (putting in the set aside chocolate)

If the tester is dry, and shiny with no streaks - You’re good!!


There, you have tempered chocolate!




Snickerdoodle Cookie


Lemon Tart