Chocolate Raspberry Vanilla Neapolitan

Super fancy dessert that’s super easy to do!

There are two elements to make with this, plus your raspberries.

For the chocolate squares:

- 100g 55% Chocolate (I use Callebaut)

Get out your candy thermometer!


    Place 2/3 chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Make sure that the bottom of your bowl fits snuggly over the pan. Put in your thermometer

   Stir the chocolate until is completely melted and registers 115F on a candy thermometer.

   Remove the bowl from the water bath. Bit by bit ‘seed’ with the remaining 1/3 chocolate, stirring as you go.

Do this until the chocolate reaches 90F. Test it by putting a little on a piece of parchment to make sure it sets.

   Spread the chocolate on a very clean and even surface in a very thin layer ( I use acetate). Let it cool and harden completely before cutting with a cookie cutter in the chocolate layer. Gently lift the squares and set them aside.

For the Vanilla Mousse: 



·      1/3 Cup sugar

·      2 Tbl Cornstarch (make a slurry with 3 or 4 Tbl from the milk)

·      1 ½ Cups Milk

·      1 Vanilla pod, spilt and scraped

·      1 Cup Whipping Cream


Combine milk, cornstarch slurry, sugar and vanilla pod with scraped seeds into a saucepan and bring to a slight boil.

 Reduce heat and simmer for 3 minutes, stirring constantly.

Remove from heat and allow to cool completely

While that is cooling, whip the cream to firm peaks.

Once the milk is cool, take the vanilla pod remains out and discard.

Transfer the milk combo to a bowl and fold in the whipped cream

Transfer to a piping bag and refrigerate for a half hour.




Get out your raspberries and check for the good ones.


Place one chocolate square on a plate.

Alternate piping of mousse and raspberry to cover the whole chocolate area

Top with a second chocolate square and repeat (carefully)

Top with last chocolate square. Top that with either a raspberry or a dusting of powdered sugar.

This is a lovely dessert perfect for a Valentine’s evening. It’s simple, yet it looks so elegant. Also, after a big, rich meal something this light a kind of nice!


Hard Candy Leftovers


Chocolate Waffles